Out Of The Electronic Many, One

Location: Washington, DC, United States

Monday, June 12, 2006


I realize that the Greek doesn't exactly match up here, 'Pluribus' being the actual 'Many' I mean to invoke, sorta.

'Publius' is an ode to the allonym used by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and - my favorite despite the sub-par University named for him - James Madison, the men who composed the bulk of the Federalist Papers to support the ratification of the Constitution in the individual states.

Their use of 'Publius' was itself an ode to the Roman Consul Publius Valerius Publicola, a guy who wrote the law that anyone who fancied himself a king of the Roman republic opened up a legally sanctioned hunting season on himself. 'Publicola,' also 'Poplicola,' means "friend of the people." But it also sounds stupid, and I don't want to be the friend of the people who only keep you around for laughs.

Additionally, I couldn't really resist the 'E-Pub' consonance provided with 'Publius.' I can't think of anyone who could.

A full airing of my nerdy laundry.

Update: John Adams Dime Campaign kickoff delayed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I going to be the first to comment on this blog, E-Publius Unum? I have already learned from it. It seems to carry an intellect and flare that could possibly make history. But who is this mystery blogger? What is the John Adams Dime campaign that I am so anxiously awaiting to be kicked off? I need more.

8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, whenever someone reveals an interesting and little known piece of knowledge, do they have to refer to it as a nerdiness? It seems like a retreat.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

1) Tony is first by a nose.

2) You are right. I declare here that I am unashamed. I will cop to a certain amount of concern over the political scylla and charybdis of 'elite' v. 'plainspoken,' but only with chagrin. And it is doubtful you will see much worry over it here.

I liked the way that 'nerdy laundry' hinted at 'dirty laundry.' That was the primary thrust of claiming nerdiness.

8:18 AM  

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