S.R. Sidarth, a Virginia-raised, UVA educated supporter of Jim Webb, Allen's Democratic rival in the Senate race, was welcomed by Allen to America and "the real world of Virginia" and addressed as "macaca." Sidarth is of Indian descent, and macaca is a common racial epithet in a number of African and Asian countries. So at least Mr. Allen manages to be cosmopolitain in his bigotry. The name may also have been a reference to the macaque money, which displays Allen's broad understanding of tropical ecology alongside his back-woods podunk prejudice.

If Allen was unaware of the import of his slur, that means that he was spontaneously able to locate, through the universe's great spheres of racial hatred, an appropriate remark with which to denigrate this young man. If you balk at the mystic rationale, you might simply conclude that Allen is such a sharp racist tack that he managed to pull something plenty hurtful - and vintage hateful through its monkey reference heritage - out of the thin Virginia air.
In addition, the New York Times reports:
In 1984, as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, Mr. Allen opposed a state holiday honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. After being elected governor in 1993, he issued a proclamation honoring Confederate History Month. He also kept a Confederate battle flag in his home, according to The Almanac of American Politics.
This is bad for Mr. Allen, and should haunt his 2008 aspirations. But let's be fair; it's not like he kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, known only for the savage murders of three Civil Rights protestors. And it's not like his next stop was Stone Mountain, Georgia, birthplace of Jefferson Davis the Confederate President who he referred to as "one of my heroes." He's not a monster.
That was Reagan that did that.
In the end, the real tragedy here is not young Sidarth, who gets to be an awkward martyr for his own campaign, nor is it Mr. Allen's political pursuit, which was already a tragedy. The true sting is felt by me, a proud Virginian living in the North East, who must now further confront the stigma of Allen's so-called "real world of Virginia."
George Allen deserves a grade of A++ for his outburst. A, course, for Asshole, which he most certainly is.
I think the entire quote was something like, "Here's our friend macaca again. Welcome to America, and the real world of Virginia." Honestly, I'm suprised that the adjutant remark isn't just as imflamatory. When did someone-- simply because of skin, become foreign non-citizen needing a welcoming party? When did he become inexperienced and unconversant in the 'real world.' Actually, with everything Mr. Allen has done in the past, I think he'd be even more viable if he simply came honest: "All right folks I'm a bigot, but hey, if you really think about it so are plenty of you. Do we really want foreigners holding degrees from some of our most austere universities? Do we really want these darkies playing a role in our political process?" Let's not forget this is still Virginia, home of Lee-Jackson-King Day, and variant other passive-discriminations. Georgie may have shot himself in the vote, but it this state, he's still walking.
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