Out Of The Electronic Many, One

Location: Washington, DC, United States

Monday, August 07, 2006


It is always startling to observe how those that are unwilling to allow for the idea of biological Darwinism will advocate for Social Darwinism of the cruelest kind. I can understand the reasoning: It is easier for the elite to thrive if the populace is obsessed with a ruling God, and I’m sure they prefer for people to chalk up being out on their asses to Intelligent Design.

On that note, The Washington Post reported today that rollbacks in the welfare program, added in a Bush Administration Era round of revisions to Clinton’s welfare reform, will be taking effect in the coming weeks.

In lieu of being able to disband welfare and use the poor as a source of Renewable Alternative Energy – they care about the environment – Republicans and no doubt some “Democrats” have taken aim at the criteria for eligibility in the welfare program. This legislation is still rolling strong on the fuel of Reagan’s Welfare Queen accusations, in which he detailed abuses of the system by the financially solvent. And by “detailed” I mean fostered the cartoonish image of a [black female] jabberwocky who laughs all the way to the bank to cash her federal assistance check.

On that note, the government issued new definitions of the acceptable work a welfare recipient can do, and upped the number of required hours they must spend working to retain eligibility. Time spent looking for work, or time spent getting treatment for drug addiction have also been curtailed. Oh, and:

“Studying for a bachelor’s degree no longer counts by itself as an acceptable way for people on welfare to spend their time.”

Good to stop throwing away cash on higher education, which never helped move anyone off of social assistance.

Many states are reacting by shuffling participants into new categories to prevent them from losing benefits. The new standards also increase the amount of paperwork necessary to track and account for the activities of welfare recipients. The underlying logic goes like this: more paperwork = more bureaucracy = greater cost = bigger government.

The GOP: Over 55 years of ensuring that the country’s left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Higher education does take people off the welfare rolls. The article offered an example of another student who was in the same "welfare" program and now is earning her masters and is considering jobs preseumably closer to her field that pay 15 and hour.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

I agree strongly. Sorry if that wasn't made clear in the post.

12:18 PM  
Blogger awesome peterson said...


he's not being sarcastic. it's a speech impediment. one that carries over to typing.

5:13 PM  

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