Out Of The Electronic Many, One

Location: Washington, DC, United States

Sunday, July 09, 2006


The Roundup. GO!

Tax Revenues Get High - America was pleasantly surprised this week by unexpectedly high tax revenues for FY05-06 - pulling off the governmental equivalent of finding $20 in a pair of jeans you washed last week. The good news is that we can put some of this cash towards paying down the budget defecit, and maybe PFC Smith will get that body armor Santa forgot to bring him last year. Also, indicators that the economy is doing well usually make the economy do well.

The bad news is that this tiny, flukish little blip is not enough to put away our concerns over the fiscal mismanagement that has gone down in the last 6 years. As the Times reports:

One reason the run-up in taxes looks good is because the past five years looked so bad. Revenues are up, but they have lagged well behind economic growth.


"The long-term outlook is such a deep well of sorrow that I can't get much happiness out of this year," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office and a former White House economist under President Bush.

Rove should have told this guy that "deep well of sorrow" doesn't really have the ring of Compassionate Conservatism or Axis of Evil.

Still, the mismanagers will make their case. The most irritating line for the coming election cycle is bound to be something along the lines that the Bush Tax Cuts are proving effective, which is funny, since everyone is so pumped up about more tax revenue. Then they will claim that tax-and-spend Democrats will only ruin the situation and push us into the kind of hole that Clinton pulled us out of after Bush I and that we were thrown back into within the first 100 days of Bush II.

p.s.- The first round of Baby Boomers are eligible for Social Security in 2 years. Somebody hold me a spot in the bread lines.

Pills, Pills, Pills - In a bit of unqualified good news, scientists have developed an AIDS treatment regimen that involves taking one pill, once a day. This is a huge boon to treatment in under-developed areas with high rates of illiteracy, where complicated medication cycles have led to imcomplete treatment, and thus the development of resistant strains of the disease.

One pill once a day beats the hell out of the 36 daily pills people were taking a little over a decade ago. Trouble is, one of the side effects of the treatment is bills, bills, bills, up to $1200 a month.

Massachusetts Democrats: If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, etc, &c - As part of the Victory '06 Campaign, the state Democratic committee has formed a four-person panel to monitor and curtail negative attack ads in the primary battle between candidates Chris Gabrieli, Deval Patrick, and Tom Reilly. The panel is being staffed by such notorious bulldogs and Michael Dukakis and Cam Kerry (a smaller, curlier version of his brother Jon).

The impetus is to address the problems inherent in staging a late primary election (SEPTEMBER 19TH - DON'T FORGET), not the least of which is sending a battered candidate to slug it out with whatever fresh and clean Republican has been beefing up all summer. Think of it as the training montage from whatever Rocky has the Russian guy, and while Rocky [the Democrat] is dragging logs through the snow, the [Republican] Russian is using LED screens and deadly nordic blondes in his clearly superior workouts. The point is, a vote for Republicans is a vote for rich, evil, 80s era Russian boxers who killed Rocky's best friend.

The spirit is good here. We shouldn't be busting ourselves up in tackle when we can just play two-hand touch. Not to mention that nasty politics depresses turnout, which is the other party's strategy. Plus, Deval Patrick is my guy, and being, oddly, the best candidate and the front-runner, he is the most likely target for something below the belt. Which may explain the following:

Corey Welford, a [Tom] Reilly spokesman, called the creation of the panel a "silliness that you would expect from some good government group than from your own party." He also said it was a "distraction" from the party's responsibilities to raise money to defeat Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey, the GOP candidate for governor.

Well played: posit your guy as the anti-Good Government Candidate. And since Reilly is not as rich as Chris Gabrielli, and isn't able to raise funds like Deval Patrick, make sure you point out how necessary money will be in November. Gee...it sounds almost like...an attack ad.


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