Out Of The Electronic Many, One

Location: Washington, DC, United States

Thursday, June 15, 2006


There has been a good deal of chatter lately about the Democratic strategy on Iraq going into the mid-terms. Most noise has been that same old song and dance about the Dems, that they can't get a cohesive message together, which is bound to hurt them come November.

After reading Adam Reilly's bit on Rove in the Boston Phoenix today, I am inclined to worry.

The GOP can counter with the kinds of arguments that Rove made in New Hampshire last week, and is bound to make in the coming months: That Dems are soft, want to cut and run, aren't willing to make hard policy decisions, and don't care about the sacrifices of the military.

Rove's nastiest bit came in this line, pulled out by Adam:

Those who advocate cut-and-run, those who say, ‘Set an artificial timetable,’ those who say, ‘Get out now,’ have to be willing to explain to the American people why fifty million people living in freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq don’t deserve to live in freedom . . . [They] need to explain to our men and women in uniform why their hard work and their courage and their sacrifice doesn’t matter. And they need to explain to the families of the fallen why the loss of their loved ones could now have been depicted as being in vain.

That's nasty brother. Banking the global spread of Democracy off the families of soldiers who died in vain. What's most astounding is his ability to utilize these circumstances without actually caring about either one. These emerge out of a political calculus. Chilling.

The best strategy here, I think, is to play the Mismanagement card over and over and over again. Insufficient body and vehicle armor, priority in securing oil fields over troop and civilian safety, corruption in private no-bid awards to friends of the Administration, a callous disregard for much beyond politics, and (not to mention) the fact that neither being wrong nor lying is a reason enough for waging an unprovoked war.

This is how I think we win in November.

So, all 4 of you who read this, Mismanagement is the Message.


Blogger Karl said...

You use this word "unprovoked" about the war in Iraq, but you seem to forget that the very fact that Iraqis are not Americans is reason enough to destroy them and ridicule that silly religion of theirs. Muslim? Isn't that some kind of cotton?

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could see that comment coming back to haunt you.

7:34 PM  

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